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Showing posts from August, 2016

Pink Pleasure! (The Raconteur)

They say you're just a carriage for baby making and nothing else. You say you're just a carriage for baby making and nothing else. I say one person is telling a bold lie and that's you. No one knows you better than you, How you gonna let people run a marathon for you when you're in a race with yourself alone? Your whole being spells life, Your whole being spells mother with undying affection. You are pink, You matter a lot, Pink matters. Cotton Malibu candy, I compliment you better when it's pink, Though you got shades of different colors like the rainbow. With the banana and peaches made for mouth-gasm, Is it safe to say the banana when isolated is a Lone Ranger? What happens when it meets a fellow Lone Ranger? Makes for sweet serenade,  Pink pleasure. And I heard someone say the stars are the spies of heaven,  I can boldly accept that statement in all honesty. With how far they are, it's no wonder they seem ...